Friday, May 29, 2020

Activities Update - End of May

About a dozen trout hanging out in a pool on South Right’s River in Antigonish County. Photo Credit Kris Hunter
Over the last few weeks there has been a lot on the going in NS.  Rather than stick to one topic I figured I would give an update on the various going ons from the past few weeks.


In response to the major expansion open net pen aquaculture plans by Cermaq and Cooke, there was a grassroots movement in many NS communities to organize and oppose the expansion. These community groups immediately found their voice and were able to demonstrate that these companies did not have the social license to operate freely. In response to the public pressure and unable to find enough acceptable sites in NS waters, Cermaq, called it quits and abandoned their expansion plans. Unfortunately, Cooke remains committed to theirs. As this process was unfolding these community groups released that they were stronger together and began meeting to find ways to support one another. This loose coalition officially launched as the Healthy Bays Network (HBN). The network of community organizations from across NS and provincial organizations such as the EAC, NSSA, and ASF, will speak for and support those who are opposed to open net pen aquaculture. HBN will work to help organize impacted communities, alert Nova Scotians to the effects of open net-pens, address the shortcomings of our regulatory regime, and present realizable options for sustainable aquaculture. HBN is committed to a healthy environment, empowered communities, local employment, and well-paying jobs with a future. Expect to hear lots more from the Healthy Bays Network in the weeks and months ahead. A website is in the works but for now you can contact me if you would like more information or to become involved.
NS Salmon Season Announced

NS Salmon fishing season was announced late last week. The season will be open for catch and release on June 1st -October 15th on the Margaree with the usual restrictions. From the East Margaree to the Big Intervale bridges on the Northeast and to the Scotsville highway bridge on the Southwest (not including the tributaries) is open June 1st- Oct.31st. As always the tributaries and Northeast Margaree upstream of the from the big Intervale Bridges is closed all year.  The remainder of Salmon Fishing Area 18 (Gulf Shore of Nova Scotia) will be open to catch and release September and October. In Salmon Fishing Area 19 (Cape Breton East) the Baddeck and Middle Rivers will be open to catch and release salmon fishers for the month of October and North River, downstream of “The Benches: will be open from June 1 to July 14, and September and October. The only substantial change in the regulations from last year has been the switch from the requirement to use only single barbless hooks to using only artificial flies. DFO released a statement after the fact indicating this switch was made because their ability to specify single-barbless hooks was called into question legally. I have asked DFO for more information explaining the reasoning behind this switch, as it was something that we fought to get for years.

Nova Scotia Salmon Association AGM

The NSSA had to postpone its AGM this year due to Covid-19. After some consideration it was decided that they will hold their AGM virtually on Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 from 7-9 pm. All current members will receive an invite in the coming days. Those interested in becoming members can do so through the NSSA website ( or by contacting Membership is free but you do need to register to participate in the AGM.

Halifax Online Auction a Success

As you may be aware our annual Halifax Dinner had to be cancelled this year due to Covid-19. In lieu of the dinner ASF and NSSA ran an online auction instead, which wrapped up just over a week ago. As we worked on tallying the results and getting the prizes out to the winners, we have been astounded by the generosity of those involved. On behalf of the dinner committee, ASF, and NSSA I wanted to pass along our thanks to everyone helped make this event happen from our donors, our volunteers, and of course those that bid on items. Your support is invaluable and goes a long way to helping ASF and NSSA continue our work on behalf of wild Atlantic Salmon.

Rainbow Trout with a missing tail caught in the North River, Cape Breton. This is believed to have escaped from the open net pens in Bras D’Or lakes. Photo Credit Donald Halfpenny.
Bras D’Or Lakes

In the Bras D’Or lakes and adjacent rivers people are reporting catching lots of large Rainbow Trout. Unfortunately, many of these fish seem to be suffering from infections and have severe damage to their fins. It is suspected by the many anglers that I spoke with that these fish are escapees from the open net pens in the lakes. There was supposedly a big escape last fall from Hurricane Dorian but as of yet we have not heard official word that this is true. Worryingly these fish are appearing in greater numbers and further than with past suspected escape events, with some approaching the Sanctuary and others appearing outside the Bras D’Or lakes in North River. Given their numbers and diseased state many fishers are concerned about the impact that these fish will have upon other wild salmonids. I have been reaching out to the province to learn what I can about what is happening here.

A fisherman trying is luck in Frenchman’s Run on the West River, Antigonish. A few moments earlier he hooked and released a nice 12” trout. Fishing in the area so far has been on par with previous years, down from the high’s seen 5-10 years ago.
River updates

At least in the Northern part of the mainland, we have rapidly switched from cold and wet to hot and dry. As a result, I heard that water levels were dropping fast. I got out locally this week to take a look for myself and chat to a few people on the rivers (from a safe distance of course). While the river levels are dropping, they still have a good amount of water. I didn’t encounter too many people on the rivers, and those that I did speak to seem suggest that most of the fish, at least in the Antigonish area, are still down in the estuary. This is not too surprising for this time of year. That said I did watch one fisherman on the West River hook and release a nice 12” trout and when I visited the South Right’s River I saw about a dozen decent sized trout in a pool near the bottom of the river. As several forest fires are now being report as out of control in NS, I hope everyone stays safe out there as they make the trek to their favorite fishing hole.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to simplify the wording of the variation order with respect to the Margaree and messed up. The Margaree is open as per usual with the main branches open until Oct. 31st between the area designated by the bridges specified in the variation order. It is the tribs of the Margaree and section outside the area designated by the bridges that close on Oct. 15th. Thanks Matt for the catch.
