Friday, March 27, 2020

Week 2 update

Liquefied salmon being pumped out of MOWI open net pens in Newfoundland after a major fish kill this past summer.  Photo Credit: ASF/Bill Bryden
For me, as I suspect it was for many, this was my second full week working form home and staying socially distanced.  It presented challenges, but fortunately for me these were relatively benign compared to what many are going through.  My trials mostly involved trying to maintain normalcy and get work done in a household that also contains 25 animals (1 dog, 1 cat, 8 rabbits including two less than two weeks old, 10 chickens, 5 ducks) plus my 2 kids and wife who is also trying to work.  Still despite this I count myself lucky as we are all healthy and safe and I am still able to work.  As we all deal with this and our own personal situations, I wanted to hope that you all stay healthy and the positive reminder that we can and will get through this.  I have included a few pictures of my creatures becuase when they aren't destroying my house or my sanity they are quite cute.

Despite my distractions, I was able to be on the phone and online to continue to work to protect wild Atlantic Salmon.  My work focus this week has  has been mostly around aquaculture.  This week there was a land -based aquaculture license application that opened up for public comment, so I spent some time trying to find out about that application.  You can learn about how to comment on this application at .  The public comment period will be open until 11:59 PM on April 17, 2020.

I also spent some time this week trying to get clarity from the NS Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture (NS DFA) and the Aquaculture Review Board (ARB) on how they will be proceeding during the COVID 19 restrictions.  Earlier today they released a statement that essentially said the department will continue to function, provide services, accept and review applications, but they are extending all aquaculture option area deadlines and the ARB will not be meeting to make decisions on new open net pen applications.  You can see the full NSDFA announcement here: (  This was an important announcement as several of the Cermaq option areas were set to expire today.  In anticipation of this I also spent some time this week writing a letter to Cermaq, copied to NS DFA, outlining our concerns if they were to proceed with license applications for these areas.  These were points I had already raised with them in person but I felt it was important to re-iterate our message to Cermaq as they reached this decision point.  With today's announcement from NS DFA that decision by Cermaq has been delayed.  As we wait here on their decision, our friends at the Ecology Action Centre have put together a list of four actions that everyone can take in coming days:
  1. Write a letter to Cermaq (online or by mail; Cc your elected officials, being sensitive to their circumstances)
  2. Call Amy at Cermaq (1-250-202-7680)
  3. Tweet at Cermaq
  4. Encourage others to write
Cermaq's email:

Cermaq’s Twitter: @CermaqCanada

Although we encourage people to send personalized letters, as they are always the most powerful, the EAC have also set up a one-click letter at their website. This will go to Cermaq Canada, cc Minister Colwell, and Minister Jordan at DFO. Please feel free to share this. Note: Keep in mind that public officials are very busy handling concerns related to COVID-19 right now, and some may be using their email and/or Twitter account for these purposes; please be sensitive to their circumstances!
Thanks again to Simon Ryder-Burbidge and his colleagues at EAC for putting that togethor

In addition to my animals and aquaculture I was also able to meet online with my co-workers at ASF and do some planning on how we can continue to stay in contact with you, our members, partners, affiliates, and salmon lovers during these uncertain times.   I will continue to make regular posts to this blog but as many of you may have seen in a message today from our President, Bill Taylor,  ASF will be putting out regular updates, including blogs and photo journals to keep you in the loop as to what we are working on and to celebrate some of the fantastic work being done around the salmon world.  I will be writing an update on  all the good work on wild Atlantic Salmon recovery hat has been happening in Nova Scotia on the Eastern Shore.  No timeline yet on when my post will come up so stay tuned.

Normally at this time of year we would be hosting a number of dinners.  These events are not only important fundraisers for us but are also important opportunities to meet people face-to-face and get excited for the upcoming fishing season.  Given the circumstances this year we prudently decided to postpone these events but as a sort of proxy we are going to be hosting a number of online auctions.The Moncton auction ( went live this week and so far has been well received.  It will be open until this Sunday (March 29th) at 12:00pm, and has some fantastic items so get your bids in soon.  I have been checking in regularly as I have already been out bid a few times.

I will close with the reminder that my door, at least virtually, is always open.  IF you have questions, concerns, or just want to chat shoot me a message ( or give me a call (902-870-7210).

Stay safe


Message from Bill Taylor

To our members, supporters, and all salmon people


Mar 27, 2020
Bill Taylor, ASF President

Gradually then suddenly the world changed. While the acute public health crisis we’re experiencing will pass, no one knows what the new normal will look like or how long it will take to heal the wounds inflicted by coronavirus. In these uncertain times, I want to reassure you that one thing will remain constant: ASF is here and we will continue our vital work on behalf of wild Atlantic salmon and the people who depend upon these remarkable fish for their livelihood.

Like all organizations, we’ve had to adapt. The health of our staff, Directors, members, volunteers and their families is our top priority. Following the advice of experts, we cancelled our in-person spring dinners and have closed our offices. ASF’s full staff is working from home until it’s safe to reopen. This is an adjustment for many of us, but a necessity.

We’ve heard from our volunteers and supporters how much they will miss our spring events. These get togethers in Boston, Freeport, Montreal, Toronto and throughout Atlantic Canada often mark the turning point from winter to warmer weather, signaling days on the river soon to come. These events will return. In the meantime, the ASF development team and our dedicated volunteers are working tirelessly to develop thoughtful and creative alternatives.

Beyond events, the social distancing and stay-at-home orders we are all following impact our operations as well. In April, ASF scientists are usually staged on rivers like the Cascapedia, Miramichi, and Restigouche, tagging and tracking salmon as they head for the sea. We’ve been doing this since 2003 and right now our researchers are designing flexible plans that will allow us to get on with this important work as soon as we can do so safely and responsibly.

With in-person meetings cancelled and travel for ASF staff suspended, we have an opportunity to share more of our work with the wider community. Expect to hear from us regularly in the coming weeks with interesting and engaging blogs and photo essays from all the regions where we work. We hope these stories are enlightening. Please help us share them widely, in hopes of inspiring more people to join the international wild salmon conservation movement.

Together, with guidance and support from ASF’s Directors and members, we will push through this rare and troublesome time. Since our founding in 1948, ASF has effectively navigated many crises. Our experience tells us that there is wisdom in the simple World War II British maxim – keep calm and carry on. You can count on us for that.


Bill Taylor

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Week Until Fishing Season

I wasn't going to post again so soon but today's weather got me thinking about fishing season which is about a week away.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Ways to get informed and follow projects being reviewed by the government

Howdy folks. Just a couple of resources that you can use to keep track of various projects and to learn how you can participate/comment on them. I follow these sites regularly as they are a great way to stay informed on projects that can impact on wild Atlantic Salmon.

Many projects require environmental assessments or other impact assessments. These can be federal or provincial assessments. Federally these assessments are managed by the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (formally the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency or CEAA). Provincially in NS and PEI these assessments are managed by provincial environment departments (NS: Nova Scotia Environment, PEI: Environment, Water, and Climate Change). As a member of the public you can learn more about these assessment programs, what projects are currently being assessed, and how you can participate at their respective websites.

Federal Environmental / Impact Assessment Agency

NS Environment

PEI Environment, Water, and Climate Change

Aquaculture projects in NS and PEI typically don't go through the assessment programs described above. Instead these are handled by separate processes and legislation at the provincial level. There are currently efforts underway to create a federal aquaculture act, which ASF would like to be focused on protecting native wild species like Atlantic Salmon, but that is a story for another post.

To stay up to date on NS government aquaculture activities you can visit their aquaculture website of the NS Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture to get news updates and to learn about opportunities for you to learn about and comment on applications from proponents.  Licensing and regulation of aquaculture on PEI is mostly focused on shellfish since this is a major industry on the Island and finfish production is not. Regardless you can learn more about PEI aquaculture from the Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Industry website's Aquaculture and Fisheries page.

NS Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Aquaculture Division

PEI Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Industry - Aquaculture and Fisheries

Friday, March 20, 2020

First Video

First Video - mostly just a test to see if this actually will work

Getting started

Hello everyone,

I am trying out this format to stay in touch with people during the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.  For those that don't know me, my name is Kris Hunter and I am the Program Director for Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island for the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) based out of Antigonish, NS.  ASF is an independent, charitable organization that advocates for wild Atlantic Salmon.  As ASF is primarily focused on addressing research and conservation efforts on the national and international stage, my job as a program director in our regional affairs department is to provide support and connection with efforts at the provincial and local levels in NS and PEI.  I do this by working closely with governments, industries, indigenous organizations, affiliates, and our regional councils (Nova Scotia Salmon Association, PEI Council of ASF) in what is hopefully a mutually beneficial way.  I also participate in public outreach and education activities, and assist our other departments (research, communications, development, etc) as well.  Currently there are a number of issues happening in NS that I am involved with including aquaculture, gold mines, conservation research and programming, restoration planning and programming, forestry, habitat restoration, fish passage, etc.  I will talk, post pics and video, on these topics along with what I have been up to on a regular basis.
